John 'Doc' Holiday For El Paso County Sheriff.  "I very much care about the people of El Paso County, I especially care about their safety and quality of life - that's why I'm running for sheriff."

My thanks to fountainwatchdog

 Immortal and Sagacious Sayings of John "Doc" Holiday: 

"I don't want to be the "toughest" sheriff.  I want to be something truly worthwhile - I want to be the fairest sheriff." "Jail and prison are indeed different; there's a greater percentage of innocent people in jail."  "The reason more people don't have criminal records is because more people didn't get caught."  "If life was completely fair perhaps we'd all be in jail." "Show respect, get respect."  "The only problem with the Tea Party is, it almost started too late."  "Imagine politics without politicians."  "It takes far less time to walk alone through a dark alley at 2:30 a.m. when you are carrying a loaded handgun than if you are not."  "The highest purpose of a sheriff is to defend and protect the citizens of his or her county and to be loyal to them by always acting in their best interest.  "You can trust the American people to not trust their government, and vice versa."  "What is the most trustworthy, we the people or our government?" "The "Land of the Free",  has 2.3 million people in prison and millions more on probation and parole: bad people or bad laws?  You decide."  "Some guys don't cotton to cats 'cause puss is too independent. Does that mean my kitty Molly, if she could, would vote for me 'cause I'm runnin' as an independent (actually, as an Unaffiliated)?  Purrhaps not." "My two dogs aren't spoiled, just awfully well taken care of."  "We, the law abiding, need no permission to carry a gun openly or concealed.  That right was given us by God (the right to life and liberty) and so acknowledged in our Constitution and its Bill of Rights."

There Ought To Be A War On The War On Drugs

The decades old so-called war on drugs is a fiasco of the first magnitude.  This "war" has cost billions of dollars and has done nothing significant to reduce drug abuse or the availability of illegal drugs.  Nor has it stopped the insidious influx of wealthy,powerfull and vicious drug cartels. Today, prescription drug abuse exceeds the use of street drugs such as meth, cocaine and heroin. Mom and dad's medicine chest has become the biggest illicit dispensary for our young people.   

 Mandatory, harsh sentencing laws for sale or possession of unlawful substances have added to this country's already over crowded, and brutal  prisons.  Prisons alone are utter failures. The cost to taxpayers for keeping a person locked up for a year can exceed what it would cost to send them to a four year state college.  In our so-called "Land of the Free", 2.3 million people fill U.S. prisons and millions more are on probation or parole. Rehabilitation programs in our prison system are largely ineffective.  Of the 500,000 convicts released each year about half will return to prison within three years. The figures I just mentioned account for just recently.  How many more in just the last five years were arrested, prosecuted, incarcerated, put on probation or parole?  How many of those released will find it tough to find a good job and ultimately violate the complex and demanding conditions of their parole or reoffend until again they find themselves caught up in the law enforcement - prosecution - prison - industrial complex?  Note: The Innocence Project estimates that about 17% of people in our prisons are innocent. The high-crime years are beween the ages of 13 and 29.

Our country's broken justice system is a national shame.  The entire world sees this.  The sad statistics are incontrovertible, the disturbing facts are immutable.  These statistics and facts can not be  sanitized nor glossed over by our government controlled media. Nor can it all be erased or shoved down the memory hole  or honey coated by a fine speech, eloquently uttered by your "public servant" claiming to represent you when you, are actually left to yourself.  Fed up?  Then call your "representative" and let his or her answering machine or intern know how angry, and betrayed you feel.

But if you are still not outraged and fed up by the tragedy of our injustice system then just wait until you or yours are swept up in it all when the cop pulls you or yours over, or come to you or yours home, or stops you or yours on the street, or the tax man cometh, or someone signs a summons and complaint accusing you or yours or a loved one.  Get my point?

Puting an end to our failed system of law enforcement/ punishment with its costly revolving door penal system, starts by shifting the money spent on the war on drugs to more productive avenues such as drug awareness, drug education and rehab programs. 

 Legalize and tax the well regulated, lawful sale of marijuana.  The Netherlands has done so for decades. (California has a section in Oakland with a number of retail stores that sell medical pot.) The revenue thus gained would be enormous.  The money could then be used for drug awareness and for drug treatment programs.  It would significantly reduce the number of prisons and prisoners. Legalized marijuana would be a devastating blow to the greatly financed and consequently well-armed and influential international drug cartels that threaten the well-being, security and integrity of our country.  About 70% of the drug cartels money comes from their unlawfull sale of marijuana.  The cartels would suffer greatly financially if marijuana was legalized.  The cartels appreciate enormously those who want to keep marijuana illegal.  The presence and influence within our borders of these extremely wealthy drug cartels grows daily. Great money corrupts greatly - witness Mexico which has become a vastly corrupt narco-state.  Since 2006 Mexico has seen over 30,000 drug related deaths of police, civilians and cartel gunmen. Note: Doc has the endorsement of the Colorado Springs Medical Cannabis Council.  Oct 24, 2010

Please e-mail me your thoughts and comments regarding this most controversial issue.  E-mail:  Thank you.

Doc Talks Immigration And You Are Not Going To Like What He Says

If I were to sneak into Switzerland, would I be an illegal immigrant or an illegal alien?  If people sneak into this country are they illegal immigrants, illegal aliens or "New Americans"?  Actually, it matters little what we or the Media or the politicians choose to call those who enter our country illegally.  The fact remains that whatever is currently politically correct to call them, they all earn the same name the instant they cross our borders in violation of the laws of the United States of America.  At that moment, whatever their compelling reasons or compassionate motivation, they become and they earn and share one name - criminals. They instantaneously become criminals when they violate our borders because it is against our laws to sneak into our country. It is as simple as that. They are criminals just as I would be if I illegally entered Switzerland.  And the second I did, I doubt that the Swiss would refer to me as an immigrant or even as an illegal immigrant.  The Swiss have known for centuries that their very existence is threatened by foreigners who illegally enter their country. To this day, it is exceedingly difficult for a foreigner to obtain Swiss citizenship even if he or she is married to a native born Swiss and has lived as man or wife in that country for decades.

Our country's laws and our state laws regarding illegal aliens are sufficient enough and plentiful enough.  We do not need an Arizona type-law.  We Coloradans know how to protect ourselves from those who enter our state after entering our country illegally. The problem is that our existing state laws are not adequately enforced.  

Stopping illegal entry into our country is primarily the responsibility of our federal government.  It is the constitutionally mandated duty and responsibility of the federal government to defend and protect the citizens of the United States.  Such a duty and responsibility starts with secure borders both north and south and with effective entry control at all our ports of entry.  A nation without secure borders and effective entry control is no nation at all.  It is just a place for anyone who wants to enter it, it is simply a land mass that belongs to no one and everyone. 

Our Criminal Justice Center on Las Vegas street is not big enough nor does it begin to have the resources to hold within its limited confines all the illegal aliens in the county.  It would be like trying to empty a lake into a bathtub. The federal government, however, does have the facilities and the resources to hold, process and deport all the illegal aliens in our entire country, if it chose do do so. During World War 2, the Feds had little problem unconstitutionally interning Japanese American citizens who were in no way criminals or a threat to our country and who would have passed muster of any E-Verify System if it existed at that time. Think about it. 

Do I advocate interning illegal aliens? No.  But I do advocate secure borders and eliminating the incentives for illegal entry, such as the opportunity to find work or health benefits of any kind. Also, DHS should first concentrate on arresting and deporting the illegal aliens who have broken other laws in our country.  Tuscany, Italy, October 12, 2010/Colorado Springs, October 22.

If the federal government is indeed acting in good faith and truly serious about enforcing its own existing laws regarding illegal aliens then it would not saddle local law enforcement with that onerous and truly impossible task.  Nonetheless, our sheriff has,  willingly assumed a portion of that onerous and impossible task.  He did so by making a fool's bargain with the feds.  The "Fool's Bargain" goes thusly; the feds pay the Sheriff's Office to house a tiny fraction of the thousands of illegal aliens in Colorado, illegals that federal facilities could and should be housing pending their deportation back to their country of origin.  He contractually agreed to take the fed's money to hold illegal aliens in our jail. To be clear, the fed money actually goes to the Sheriff's Office and not, of course, to the sheriff. 

Sheriff Maketa claims his contract with the feds makes the jail money (and it does) which is used to finance worthy programs (which it does). But, he neglects to inform us how much holding the illegals aliens contributes to jail crowding, unsafe jail conditions and added stress to his already over worked, over stressed and underpaid staff, a staff which struggles daily to cope in an already under-supervised, often crowded and therefore safety and security compromised jail.  Nor does Terrence Maketa tell us how much you, your family, your loved ones, and your community are safety and security compromised by having highly trained sworn personnel keeping, handling, and processing illegal aliens.  Especially,  when those same federalized sworn personnel ought to be out patrolling the county.  Such would be a far more effective utilization of highly and expensively trained sworn personnel. Personnel who in the first place should have been assigned to patrol, a far more  worthy "program" and one strategically more sound and more effective in practical law enforcement terms and results.  Note: Interest in the 287(g) program is on the decline within law enforcent agencies nation wide.  Also note: "A less labor intensive ICE program, Secure Communities, is more popular with police agencies." USA Today 9-15-2010.

What killed inmate Brian O'Leary? And why is the Coroner's Office stalling?

In mid- August of this year, 51 year old Brian O'Leary was arrested.  About two days after his arrest, Brian O'Leary was found in the jail "unresponsive."  He was taken to an unnamed hospital where, I assume, he was pronounced dead.  An autopsy was conducted but no cause of death was determined. According to reports, toxicology tests are pending.  The autopsy results will be released in eight weeks. That, I was told, when I called the Coroner's Office in late August.  

It was also reported that no injuries were found nor is foul play suspected.  The Coroner's Office reports that an existing natural medical problem may have played a role in the still mysterious death of poor Brian O'Leary.  A sad case indeed.  
UPDATE:  On October 25, I visited the Coroner's Office and was told that the autopsy report would likely be ready at the end of the week, i.e. friday the 29th, and then it will be mailed to me. In other words, I would recieve the autopsy report well after the election.  This would make it about ten weeks and not eight weeks to get the report.  Is the Coroner's Office stalling?  Is the Coroner's Office afraid to release the report before the election? E-mail me your corrections, comments or information etc. to:  Thanks. John 'Doc' Holiday

Sunshine is Always the Best Disinfectant 

Q and A 

Q.  How much have lawsuits against the Sheriff Office cost the taxpayer?  A. At least, $56,000 for a Taser related lawsuit, and another $80,000 for a deputy breaking an inmates arm.  Q. How often has the sheriff been out-of-town.  A. At least, 12 days in the Caribbean on business totaly unrelated to El Paso County.  Q. Did others go out-of-town at county expense?  A. ?  Q. Are there records of travel expenses, milage expenses for the past eight years? A. ? Q. Did his office have checks returned within the last four years due to innsufficient funds?  A. ?  Note:This site is a work in progress so stay tuned. Comments welcome. Thank you for visiting.


Money Over Safety

The top priority facing the sheriff is the budget, states the sheriff  on record.  The top priority facing the sheriff is the jail; the   safety,security and well-being of jail staff and inmates, states Doc on record.  See the Gazette Voter Guide for proof.  Go to Gazette home page then click on its Voter Guide etc.

Maketa's Sky High Pot Fly By

Can you believe that our sheriff requested that a 7 million dollar federal spy plane be flown down to Colorado Springs from the Great Falls, Montana area?  Maketa's rental spy-in-the-sky, that is normally used for border patrol operations, did 4.4 hours of fly-overs of local marijuana growers.  This costly, misuse of tax payer dollars resulted in the arrest of six growers. Are our local law enforcers, including our sheriff, so inept that they can not handle its own minor affairs without the help of the Feds?  And, oh, by the way, the number of illegals that successfully sneaked across our porous southern border during those 4.4 hours is yet ascertained.

Doc Wins One For You

Shortly after I first threw my cowboy hat in the ring at the county elections office, the Gazette published an article announcing I was running for top cop of the county. The Gazette's article mentioned that I wanted to reduce the cost of getting a concealed carry permit.  The day after Terrence Maketa, aka, Terry Maketa, won the Republican primary by an impressive 3-1 margin over his opponent Chief Jake Shirk, Sheriff Maketa said that he would reduce the Sheriff's Office cost of a concealed carry permit from its long standing $100.00 to only $50.00.  Carry permits at clearance prices thank's to who?  How about knocking the cost d

Go to the Gazette's home page. Click on Voter's Guide.  Find John 'Doc' Holiday's profile and his answers to the Gazette's questions.  You'll be glad you did.

Please report typos and inaccuracies by e-mailing Doc at; Thanks.



A Little Talk About 'Doc'

I'm not an establishment, good old boy candidate. I don't like the establishment and much of the establishment doesn't like me - and for good reason, they know that I know them. I don't care about Republican, Democrat, or whatever or whoever. I care about what is right and not so much about who is right. Consequently, I don't like politics or most politicians but here I am in politics nonetheless. May God help me.

A few prominent local folks who are also my long time friends are afraid to publicly endorse me.  I don't blame them at all because they have jobs and family to protect. I'm sure they are apprehensive of what may happen if they come out and say, "Doc would make a good sheriff." 

I'll level with you.  I'm, oh my!, afraid also.  Running in this day and age as a high profile, constitutional activist is truly scary to say the least.  And, I know it's only a matter of time when THEY, begin to savage me in the Media.  So why am I even daring to run for sheriff?  I'm doing it because I truly care about you, your friends and your family and our community - all of whom deserve a better sheriff (one you can trust , respect and one who will return honor to the Office) and a safer jail. And, I'm doing it because just like you, I love and cherish our  Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

I want to protect and preserve your constitutional rights.  I want to do my best to make you and your family safer. Like you, I believe in the ideals and values that made our country the great country that it was and can be again if only we'd join together with those same cherished values and ideals filling our hearts. Like you,  I just want my country back. 

 War by Other Means and Why I Might Win It

Politics is war by other means.  Asymetrical conflict is when a weaker force antagonistically engages a vastly superior opposing force. I am obviously the weaker political candidate opposing a well entrenched, establishment political candidate.  My opponent is, in some ways, superior in experience, and in every way, superior financially and, of course, far superior in name recognition. Thus, I am engaged in an asymetrical political contest. Therefore, to oppose such an opponent conventionally would be folly.

Therefore, my strategy is to oppose him unconventionally.  Imaginative, tactical use of the internet helps me to do just that. Employing word-of-mouth, grassroots networking especially adds to my campaign arsenal and advances my mission. But ironically, the greatest asset in my unconventional campaign endeavor is the sheriff himself. The poor decisions he has made, (e.g., the recent spy-in-the-sky-fly-by) the wrongheaded priorties he pursues, the dislike he has earned in some quarters, the divisive primary he needlessly caused, the ACLU lawsuit he deliberately provoked; both the appearance of favoritism and the appearance of impropriety, of which he is sole creator, all work to politically bolster me while inflicting harm upon his reelection hopes. In a word, Sheriff Maketa is campaigning for me. 

When I started my run for sheriff, I estimated my chances of winning to be 1 out of 20.  Now, October 22, I presently estimate my odds of winning to be 1 out of 5. Why so?  Because, thanks to Maketa, on election day, the people will be voting, not so much for Doc Holiday, who they know far too little, but they will be voting against the sheriff who they know far too well. And, best of all, there is still plenty of time until November 2nd for Maketa, by simply continuing to be Maketa, to improve my odds even more.  Italy, October 11, 2010/C/S Oct 22.

 Back In The Day

Many years ago I was an ambulance driver for Shepard Ambulance in Seattle, Washington.  That experience and the commendations I received helped me get hired as a campus cop for the University of Washington.  The University sent me to the Seattle Police Training Academy.  I graduated from that Academy, Class #69.

I left Seattle in 1973.  I traveled around the country while working at a number of odd jobs. I was even a laborer on oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico when I wasn't dying of heat and bug bites while working in the Delta sulfur fields near New Orleans.

From 1974 to February, 1977 I lived in New Brunswick, New Jersey. I worked nearby for Siemens Manufacturing in Edison, New Jersey and later as a poorly paid Food Stamp Technician for Middlesex County, New Jersey.  From 1977 to 1978 I was in the U.S. Merchant Marines.  I sailed U.S. merchant ships to Northern Europe, Valdez, Alaska, South America and Zaire (Congo) Africa. In 1979, 1980, I worked as an undercover investigator for a now defunct private security agency, Globe Security, located on Lombard Street, Philadelphia. They sent me to do undercover work in south Philly (old Mafia turf) and Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Before that I worked for a company  in New York city.  They sent me to Providence Rhode Island to do an undercover investigation of a company whose inventory was being stolen by the mob. I had to leave town in a hurry.

In 1981, after my brief stint in the Merchant Marines, (I was a confidential informant that thwarted the smuggling of 50 pounds of marijuana from Zaire). I changed my name and began my private investigator practice in Colorado.  About that time I was also a volunteer probation worker for El Paso County.

In 1984 I made the the dubious choice to get involved in local politics by helping the candidate for District Attorney to oust a 20 year Republican incumbent who is still a good man and you got to love the guy.

In 1984 I changed my name to John Paul Holiday.  In 1985, I began working as a criminal investigator for the District Attorney in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  The D.A.'s Office sent me to the Colorado Springs Police Academy to get certified. Some of the old timers in the D.A's Office, as you can imagine, did not offer me their heartfelt warmth and affection when I began working there.

 While working for the D.A. I was invited to lecture for a day at the State Department in Washington, D.C. 

When a D.A. Criminal investigator I was the first D.A. investigator in Colorado Springs to lecture on DNA forensics.  I introduced the new science of DNA forensics to both the D.A. and Public Defenders Office. To do so I used 35mm slides given to me by CellMark Diagnostics.  While a D.A. Criminal investigator I assisted in investigating the then two year old homicide of Cassandra Rundle and her two young children.  Also, while a D.A. investigator, for a short time, I would go over to the Sheriff's Office and help out in the Fugitive Unit. 

In 1988 I left the D.A.'s Office and began to travel around the country as a paid lecturer.  I lectured on forensics, clandestine graves, missing persons, and homicide investigations.  I also wrote articles that were published in law enforcement publications.  One article I wrote, Jack The Ripper, The Green River Killer and the Police, was published in the Criminologist, a little but important magazine published in Great Britain. Another article I wrote, The Missing, the Murdered and the Locatologist was published in Chief of Police Magazine and also in Police and Security News.  Another article I wrote appeared in the APG Quarterly, a publication put out by the Association of Professional Genealogist.  My article was titled, Contemporary Record Search and Locatology.

One of my most important writings was never read by anyone or so it seems.  It was titled, Project Nemesis.  Project Nemesis was a booklet that in the 1990's I sent to all the heads of law enforcement in the city and county.  Not a single one of them acknowledged receipt of that booklet.  Project Nemesis outlined, in detail, a comprehensive multi-agency effort to address and solve the many unsolved homicides in our city and country.  Google the Colorado Springs Independent. Find its article of March 25, 2005, Getting Away With Murder by Michael de Yoanna that refers to Project Nemesis.

In the 1990s,  I served as a bailiff in El Paso County Court for about eighteen months.  After I left the court, I earned my California private investigator's license - license number, PI21796.  I was a FFL Gun Dealer.  I'm a life member of The 50 Caliber Shooters Association. I am presently a "certified" Colorado Bail Bond Enforcement Agent.  My training records are kept at Bobby Brown Bail Bonds in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

I wrote a child safety booklet that was published by the Colorado Springs Police Protective Association.  This booklet was made available for free at police stations and other locations in Colorado Springs. Though no longer a cop-type,nonetheless, over the years, I have provided information regarding cold homicide cases to the CSPD Cold Case Unit.. 

My hobbies include; hunting, shooting, fishing, yachting around the British Virgin Islands, and an occasional  Montecristo cigar.

More Lawsuits To Come

Sheriff Maketa is virtually certain to win reelection on November 2, 2010.   But I predict, that months after the election, he will see himself entangled in new litigation, and as a result, his support will dwindle.


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